Crown Jewels Women's Ministry

Third Saturdays @ 8:00am Prayer

Leader: Angie Williams

The Crown Jewels Women’s Ministry of Carter Temple strives to minister to the whole woman—attending to her physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs—by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It seeks to build up and encourage all women, nurturing and sustaining their spiritual growth, so that they may better serve by living God's word, experiencing His fullness in every area of their lives, and expanding the Kingdom in their families, workplaces, and communities. Ministry activities and programs provide opportunities for women to come together and experience God's salvation and deliverance, live in intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior, and be united as women of faith.  Although we may be socially distant, we can still share with one another on 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 8am for prayer.


Make sure to stay tuned in with everything that is going on. We have a ton of fun events & classes coming up. Sign up for our Newsletter today! 

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